Bro-Pair Abroad

Bro-Pair Abroad

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19th: A Stroll Through the Park


This week has been, truthfully, fairly uneventful. I have tagged along to learn the route to Felix's school so I can drive him in the near future. Frankly, I am petrified of this idea. The car is, of course, a stick. And the rules of the German roads are similar enough to American rules, but different enough in some areas to make me concerned. And the city itself has a lot of traffic and, being a novice with stick-shift, I am nervous. But I plan on taking the car out for a few loops around the block to get a feel for the clutch and whatnot before I start driving a child through city traffic, ya know?

Like, one weird thing to me is that there aren't that many stop signs in neighborhood areas. Instead, you must ALWAYS yield the right-of-way to the person on your right. So you want to go straight, but there is a road on your right? Better stop so they can turn. I just...what? One thing that I like, though, is that the lights flash yellow before they go to green. Which will help me and my slow start time on a stick-shift.

Some people also park partially on the sidewalks since the roads can be rather narrow. Not only is it legal, but there are painted lines telling them where to park:

And instead of the clichè street names of trees, plants, etc., Neu-Ulm has the pleasure of naming their streets after famous (or not so famous) composers. Here are a few I've walked by:

I also live fairly close to Offenbach, but didn't take a picture of it.

I had a decent amount of free time today since the kids don't get out of school until later, so I got on my coat, grabbed my Zune and phone (for pictures) and went to the local park. The park has some things you would expect: playgrounds, open fields, soccer fields, trees, etc.. But this park also had something very rare: the Donau! For those of you who do not know, this is the second longest river in Europe. It also divides the twin city of Ulm/Neu-Ulm, as well as the federal states Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg in this area. Though the weather is a bit cloudy (we're in a valley, so the sun isn't a common sight), I still think I got some lovely shots. I also took some pictures of interesting play well as some graffiti.

                                      Hard to see, but it's a little zipline that you sit on. Yes, I did it.                                      Yes, I probably looked crazy.   No, I didn't care.

At least someone else had a little humor.

Similar photo taken a couple days previous, when there was a little sun.

The water was coming out of a source at the top. There were
various little dams you can raise and lower to alter the flow of water.

Thanks for reading! I am compiling a list of things that I want to travel to and see in the near future. I will be sure to update as those things finalize. 

"Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." - Miriam Beard


  1. I love the pictures! Keep 'em coming :)

  2. I'm reading! Hope you're adjusting and enjoying your adventure :) Marie

  3. Of course the streets are named after musicians. It's really just too perfect. Loving the pictures! :)

  4. Driving a stick shift in rural Indiana terrifies me, let alone thinking of driving it in another country! ha ha I'm sure you will get used to driving there rather quickly. I'm really enjoying your pictures! I hope your list of things you want to do is long and that you get to check each one off! I'm looking forward to continuing to read your posts and see more pictures! Cheers!
